The cooperative CADS for securely defined standards for the production of shoes and leather goods informs about the production and commercialisation of shoes and shoe materials free of harmful substances as well as environmentally friendly production.
As a member of CADS, we are committed to protecting people and the environment from harmful substances. For this reason, we are committed to ensuring that our products permanently comply with the German and European limit values for restricted substances.
In addition, CADS provides us with information on innovative production methods in order to manufacture more sustainably.



With our membership of amfori BSCI, we are setting an example.

The recognition of external ethical initiatives is an important aspect for ELTEN GmbH as part of its commitment to ethical and sustainable business. These initiatives promote social responsibility, environmental protection and human rights, thus helping to improve working conditions in global supply chains.

One of the leading initiatives in this area is amfori BSCI (Business Social Compliance Initiative), which supports companies like ELTEN GmbH in implementing ethical and social standards in their supply chains. This is done by training suppliers and monitoring compliance with international labour standards, including labour rights, environmental protection and other important issues.

The amfori BSCI approach is practical and based on key international labour standards for the protection of workers’ rights, such as the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Conventions and Declarations, the United Nations (UN) Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. The ELTEN Code of Conduct adopts the 11 core labour rights of the amfori BSCI Code of Conduct, which ELTEN GmbH and its business partners are committed to implementing in their supply chains:

1. The right of freedom of association and collective bargaining
Our company respects the right of workers to form trade unions or other forms of workers’ associations and to bargain collectively.

2. Fair remuneration
Our company respects the right of employees to fair remuneration.

3. Occupational health and safety
Our company ensures a healthy and safe working environment by assessing risks and taking all necessary measures to eliminate or mitigate these risks.

4. Special protection for young workers
Our company grants special protection to all employees who are not yet adults.

5. No forced labour
Our company is not involved in any form of slavery, human trafficking or forced labour.

6. Ethical business practices
Our company does not tolerate corruption, extortion, embezzlement or bribery.

7. No discrimination
Our company offers equal opportunities and does not discriminate against any employees.

8. Decent working hours
Our company complies with the law regarding working hours.

9. No child labour
Our company does not hire employees under the legal minimum age.

10. No precarious employment
Our company hires workers on the basis of documented employment relationships in accordance with the law.

11. Protection of the environment
Our company takes the necessary measures to prevent adverse impacts on the environment

Through the amfori BSCI membership, ELTEN GmbH is improving its ability to care for the rights of factory workers in its supply chains, thereby helping to minimise risks in its supply chains and improve the reliability of its suppliers.
For ELTEN GmbH, membership of amfori BSCI is an important step towards a sustainable and socially responsible future. Amfori BSCI provides us with a solid foundation to implement ethical and social standards in our supply chains, helping to improve working conditions.

As a member of amfori BSCI, we take the following approach:

  • Compliance with the Code: Our company is committed to protecting the rights of employees in accordance with the law and the provisions of the Code of Conduct.
  • Employee participation and protection: Our company informs employees of their rights and obligations.
  • Supply chain management and cascade effect: Our company leverages the BSCI principles to influence other business partners.
  • Complaints mechanism: Our company provides a system for complaints and suggestions from employees.



ELTEN is a member of the Bundesverband der Schuh- und Lederwarenindustrie e. V. (Federal Association of the Footwear and Leather Goods Industry). HDS/L represents manufacturing companies in the footwear and leather goods industry, advocating on their behalf to the retail sector, authorities and legislators.


ELTEN er medlem av Leather Working Group (LWG). LWG er en ideell organisasjon som består av interessenter fra hele verdikjeden for lær. Organisasjonen arbeider for å forbedre den globale leverandørkjeden for lær og minimere miljøpåvirkningen fra lærproduksjonen. ELTEN ble medlem av LWG i 2023 for å støtte en mer ansvarlig lærproduksjon. Selv om vi i ELTEN ikke produserer lær selv, er vi opptatt av å støtte ansvarlig lærproduksjon over hele verden og er derfor et stolt medlem av LWG.


Testing and research

The testing and research institute Prüf- und Forschungsinstitut Pirmasens e.V. was originally founded for the footwear industry but has since developed into a global and modern
service and research centre.

• DIN ISO 9001
• DIN ISO 14001
•100% vegan

2. november 2023 / fra Team ELTEN