17 FOR 2030 – In conjunction with the Paris Climate Agreement in December 2015, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the 2030 Agenda in the same year. The objective of the Agenda is to reconcile global economic development with social justice and the ecological limits of the Earth. The 2030 Agenda is translated into concrete terms by the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which were conceived as guidelines for all states and organisations.
We at ELTEN are aware that our economic activities have an impact on the conditions at our own production site as well as on the conditions in our supply chain companies at home and abroad, and we see it as our duty to align our business activities with the fundamental part of the 2030 Agenda, the implementation of the SDGs.
The 17 goals for sustainability serve as a guide for organisations and companies. We are focusing on 5 goals (SDG 3, 8, 12, 13 + 17) that are most relevant to our stakeholders and to us, without losing sight of the other goals.

The third SDG is about healthy living and the well-being of all people. Measures include strategic health management for employees and access to wholesome food and clean water.
But this also includes the safe handling of hazardous substances in the production processes. Legal limits for the use of critical substances must be complied with and, through extensive testing, we ensure that ELTEN shoes are free from harmful substances.

The eighth SDG is about making sure that everyone can work in dignity. This means fair wages and fair employment contracts, but it also involves issues such as providing proper training for young people and adhering to a values-based code of conduct.
Durable, inclusive, and sustainable economies, equality and equity – every person should have their right to decent work fulfilled not only now but also in the future.

SDG 12
Our planet has only limited resilience. If we want to be able to live well in the future, we need to make consumption and production more sustainable. SDG 12 entails organising our economic life sustainably so that production and consumption have a lower impact on the environment and on people – both here at the Uedem site and in the countries of our value chain.
Using natural resources more effectively and in a recyclable way, avoiding waste, using shorter transport routes, supporting digitalisation, and further expanding biodiversity – these are just some of the challenges that a sustainably operating company must face.

SDG 13
We pledge to take immediate action to combat climate change and its impacts. There is no such thing as climate-neutral production.
CO2e emissions occur along our entire value chain. Our priority is therefore to invest in measures that will enable us to reduce our CO2e emissions in the future. This includes, for example, the solar panel system on the logistics centre’s roof.

SDG 17
Working in partnership is a prerequisite for achieving the other 16 SDGs. We also consider it essential to exchange knowledge and expertise, including with our partners in the supply chain, and to provide mutual support and reviews for improvement.
Active membership in the appropriate association or increased partnership with a variety of stakeholders helps us achieve our goals more effectively. These include memberships with the HDS/L, cads and amfori BSCI. We work together with the PFI (DIN EN and ISO certifications, 100% Vegan, eco Label), universities, the Leather Working Group, and the sustainability rating platform EcoVadis.